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Cafer Ağa Mansion, one of the classical examples of Ottoman Period Anatolian Turkish Architecture, has a great location in Avanos, the greenest region of Cappadocia. The mansion, which has been waiting to be restored for many years, was restored by Mustafa Tezcan and opened to service as a boutique hotel with 9 rooms in 2023. ↓

Cafer Ağa Mansion History
One of the most common names in Avanos is Cafer. Almost every family has someone with this name. Cafer Ağa is a retired gendarmerie captain. Most recently, he retired from the Kırşehir Gendarmerie Command. While he was working in Kırşehir, he used to stay overnight in Hacı Bektaş while traveling to Avanos on his horse from time to time. The people of Hacibektas loved and respected him very much. Maybe the fact that his name is Cafer affected this love. He is of short stature, with a slightly rounded body. His face was likened to İsmet İnönü.
Cafer Ağa had the mansion named after he built, standing at the head of it. His son-in-law, Hüseyin Avni, often said, “My father-in-law spent a lot of yellow lira for that house.” It is the neighborhood room, the chat room, where he welcomes his friends in winter and offers treats. In winter, a big barbecue is always lit here, coffee is drunk, and conversations are made. During the construction of the house, Cafer Ağa stays here for a while with his family.
A second courtyard is entered by climbing a two-step staircase from this courtyard. There is a pavilion to the right of this courtyard. When you enter the mansion, there is a large room on the left and a small room on the right. The mansion is reached by a wooden staircase. There is a living room in the mansion. In addition, a part of the mansion opens to the right. There is also a room here. This room can also be accessed from the outside by a staircase. The servants’ outbuilding is on the left. It consists of two rooms and an entrance hall. Next to the barn where the animals called calves are kept, there is a Rockman next to the servants’ rooms. It used to be called the “hevenklik”. Grapes, pears, etc. It was hung here fresh and eaten in winter. There was a “tafana” at the junction of the mansion. In one room, there was a pool where wheat was put, while in the other, winter supplies were kept. There was a ladder to go up from the barn. There was also a room called Yoncalık. The alfalfa cut for animals from the alfalfa found in Esetderesi was stacked here.
Cafer Ağa has no relatives in Avanos. All of his relatives are those formed by the wife and by the marriage of their children. This makes us think that he may have migrated from abroad later on. It is understood from the stories that Cafer Ağa is a good, generous person, and appreciates those who do their job well and employees. He doesn’t have many friends either. His most sincere friend is Topal Major Mehmet Şükrü Bey. He’s a seasoned, experienced man. No one knows where his wealth comes from. The subject is loved by the neighbor with his generosity and benevolence as well as his wealth. He is respected. In Avanos, the people generally used to call those named Cafer “Cafar”. Nobody called him Jafar. He was always referred to as Cafer Efendi/Aga due to his respect. Maybe in time, we will be able to learn more about Cafer Ağa and other people like him who lived and left their mark on this land.
Source: “Avanoslu Cafer Ağa ve Konağı” Filiz Kılıç – Mehmet Kılıç